Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A New Kind of Post is in Order

Aaaaahhhh... remember the joy of quenching your thirst with a cool refreshing iced lemon tea on a hot and humid day? howzat feel? I feel just like that today... well, that and not enough sleep, so it kinda cancels out...

Feels like I'm taking a breath of fresh air in the woods, near a lake, up in the mountains... feels like the world suddenly means more than "I wish I were dead".

So let's talk about something else you've never heard from me. My dreams...

I have a dream...

To one day have enough time to do the things that matter to me: making other people smile - family included
To one day have more money than I need: so I can give it all away

I have a dream...

To one day open a school for the orphans and the less fortunate...
To one day be able to spend more time in the school than in the office

I have a dream...

To die smiling...
Knowing that I had made not only a dent, but a tear in the fabric of history...
Knowing that I had made a difference...

And that is my dream.. Plans are in place - One step at a time now...

The side of me you wouldn't know if you didn't grow up with me... :)

Please pray for me...

God is Love

Dear Google,

I just love you guys over there. It's like you heard me...

Today's AdSense: "God Is Love: See a 60 second video on God's love for you"

Hahahahhahaha!!! Google, you just made my day!!

New Leaf, New Approach

No more bitter lashes at others - the cool dudes... they are who they are, and I am who I am. That's it. period.

No more angry cursing, or non-angry cursing. No more foul language, or foul breath, or foul gas... sorry Apai...

read the bitter blogs while they're still around. End of this week, I'm putting them out.

Like the trees in autumn that sheds its old leaves, I wish to absolve myself of these things what fill my heart with bitterness, anger, jealousy and hatred. One at a time.

New leaf. I hope. Please pray for me.

P/s: wouldja know it, AdSense has changed: from 'Treatments for Narcissistic Personality Disorder' to 'Does Hell Burn Forever? Teaching from the Bible'. Errr... hey Google, why does every Ad in my blog make me look bad?

Verily, with every difficulty, there is relief

God teaches us in many ways. Today, I am humbled. Truly humbled.

Just came back from seeing another friend of mine whom i haven't seen in a long2 time. A friend who went with us to the US to study. A special friend of ours. You see, a long time ago, he suffered 90% burns on his body, from a fire that burned his entire dorm room. He survived, but was permanently scarred. I don't remember the details, but he had a lot of skin grafting done on him. His roommate didn't survive.

But God, you see, works in mysterious ways. That's the American point of view.

I know him from before our trip to the US. I know his type. Always positive, always optimistic. The 'never give up till you die' type. Hmmm... come to think of it, that kind of fiery spirit was apparent in most of us in that particular American Degree Program (very, very interesting). He had a rather handsomey cutely face, the kind ladies would usually fall for (I dunno, he can charm quite well too i guess :) )... the fire made a good job of taking that away.

But you know what the fire failed to take away though? His spirit.

Through all that has happened to him, he ploughed on, went through life holding the reins... and today:

Today I see him, and he hasn't changed, still the spunky little guy i knew 8 years ago. Yes, that's how long I haven't seen him. While in therapy, he fell in love, and got married. I know what attracted his wife... and i know it very well... :)

A year back, he returned to the States for a short while. When he came back, he was a few millions bucks richer. He had won the lawsuit against the University he was in. Bought a business - for his sisters to run, now setting up another business for his brother, and in the future: one for his ownself.

God taketh... but God also giveth...

This story is repeated in this group of people many times over. We had a friend losing a leg, going through depression, change in religion - hmmm... in fact, as far back as i can remember, we also had a friend who didn't know English that much (and going to the US!!!) but learnt it in a year. These are friends who have achieved so much while being so young - practically nobodies yet. Yet not a single word of put-down do i hear from them. For this group of friends whom I have mostly lost touch with, I offer you my salutations... and my humble honor.

This is the group for which I will forever hold my utmost respect. Not those who just think they're cool - but now i have no ill-feelings towards them either.

I am humbled.

Hope to see you all again real soon.

New leaf. Please pray for me...

~Tribute to Wady, and all of ATU1~

Monday, January 22, 2007

I understood, but I didn't

A long one for a new page in life:

I woke up this morning, groggy as usual, but with a sense of calm i hadn't felt the past few weeks. As I was walking to and from the bed to the toilet, i kept thinking: what had i done that was different?

And it came to me slowly...

Last week, I went to see a friend of mine... one I haven't seen in a long long time... maybe 3 years or more, but one i've been very close with before. He was the ponderous kind, who reads and thinks a lot. These days, he runs a training business, typical of his leanings to education, and educating.

So as we talked, catching up on times lost, and sharing new experiences, and ideas, he mentioned to me something that stuck to me right to this very morning. It goes something like this: "Our fate, as I've learned, is predetermined by our actions - there are a set of actions that can actually lead to a set of results, only our minds are too little to be able to take in all the equations, the variables we have in life, to determine the best course of action to take, but if we do know, then the outcome is very much predictable"

It did hit me then, but I didn't put much thought into it.

Then last Friday, I read what I posted in my previous post - "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!!". That fate is but a mathematical proof, a bunch of equations, actions, leading to (=) a result.

Caught my attention then too... but didn't put much thought into it either...

Then only last night, while I was driving home from my sister's house with my brother, parents and grandmother, did the last blow hit me full on... they were talking about that morning's religious class (which I foolishly skipped). Mom was saying: "today in class the ustaz (teacher) was saying that all the good and the bad we face in life, it's an immediate result of the good and bad we that we did. In other words, the immediate reward and punishment for our deeds. At the same time, it also serves as a test for us... when we do good, and get good things, are we still persistently good? when we do bad, and we get bad things, are we still persistently bad, or do we repent and mend our ways?"

Those words from mom rang another bell in my mind... that all the crap I've been facing in life is an immediate payment for the misdeeds I did in the past - and mind you, they were plenty... That the path of misdeed that I had chosen to take in the past was the reason for all the misery I am now facing, or faced. The life I am leading today was predetermined by the paths that I had chosen in the past.

A close friend of mine once told me, when she was going through a tough time: "this is God's cash payment for all the things I'd done in the past" - didn't believe her then, but now I do. I had understood the concept, but in reality, I didn't really understand it.

It's not that life's all that bad, but I'm not that happy with it either. Too many shadows of the past, unsolved problems, an unknown future... it's messing with my mind.

I don't know about you, but if a lot of things jump out to you at almost the same time, with the same kind of message, bells should ring in your mind. And in mine, it sure did. I've been praying for guidance... maybe this is it.

So last night, I prayed to God, seeking His pleasure, more than anything else. Because maybe, I still have sins unforgiven. Maybe that's why I'm a little calmer this morning.

Maybe salvation is not far off... maybe, if I follow God's rules to the dot, fear him much, remember him often, my life will change for the better. As the saying in the Qur'an goes: "There is no calming of the heart, without remembrance of Allah" (forgot which part it came from). As I've said before, with a lot of hard work: prayers, and trust in Him.

After all, prayers, trust and help from God can't come without a prerequisite: that we follow what the Almighty commands... would YOU help someone you're not pleased with? then why would you expect God to do just that then? right?

So here goes. A new leaf. I hope. Wishing me all the best.