Monday, January 09, 2006

I'm too good for this

Just last week, a colleague of mine complained to me about her job.

"I'm dying over here. This job is not challenging. I'm not paid to do this kind of job". From the words, you might think that this lady is one stuck up b***h. But in reality, she's not. kinda cool really, very sanguine (you can only listen most of the time)

Unfortunately, i do believe that quite a number of people out there believes in those three sentences above. We do have our own egos to satisfy, our names that we want woven in the fabric of history. And unfortunately, where we're working at right now, just doesn't cut it.

Business wise, I suppose the phrase "not paid to do this kind of job" does apply to some people. Executive level, executive salary, clerk job. Wastes company money paying for someone overqualified for the job. I guess in that sense, we should feel that we are "not paid to do this kind of job".

But everything laid forth, what are we to do? my belief: although starting it out could be scary, owning your own business is the best thing to do. No nagging bosses, (or ctrl freak ones for that matter), and the money's all yours. Best of all for me, no set work time.

I have yet to own mine tho.

work is only to learn, and earn, but mostly learn. (corny - haha!!)

whatever... I'm lost.