Friday, January 12, 2007

The Lost Comparison

I went for friday sermons with my dad, my brother and a colleague of ours. Dad was rambling about how he needed to take my brother out of his present position and send him for leadership and development courses. He started comparing us: me and and my bro, how I'm moving forward and my bro's just lost in the wind.

Dad, you gotta understand, I'm no hero, no superman. lil' bro isn't either... but you can't compare us. That's so wrong in so many levels.

I've learnt in life (and marriage) that i can't compare someone to someone else. People tend to make wrong judgments about people when they compare. When you're comparing, and you're setting someone else above the other, the dude below gets an unfair beating. Small mistakes become big in your eyes, and big achievements become insignificant. The dude above, on the other hand; his stupid little minor achievements that don't amount to nothing get all the attention, and his huge fumbles and mistakes, we turn a blind eye upon. So unfair and wrong in so many levels - and destructive too. The little child of discrimination, I'd like to call it.

For those of you who do compare - parents, teachers, bosses, lovers - out there: stop. Find people's good and praise them. Find their weaknesses and counsel them. That's the best way to show your love, or even your loathing.

No person can be someone else.

And my brother can't be me. But i see greatness in him. He just has to see it for himself. And what better people to help him see it if it isn't his parents, who love him dearly?

Monday, January 08, 2007

TVtrix the duology

if there is such a thing as a duology...

now having god-like powers is awesome... but let's just face it... if you're a robot that's intelligent enough to progam a world for humans, i'd bet you'd fool proof it so no one can be superman... duh...

anyways... here's my answer to the question i posted aeons ago... yep, i dusted the cobwebs on that post, and was appaled at my indecision...

my answer is:
Of COURSE I'd CHOOSE the UNREAL LIFE!! I don't wanna live underground, with the rats and the tapeworms, where you probably don't get to see sunlight for the rest of your life... would you?

now, if i can only make some money in the unreal world... muahahahahahaha!!! (rubbing palms together with evil look on face... torchlight underneath chin)

The A/C draft is killing me!

well duh, who asked you to sit right in front of it mr smartacus?

death by A/C... whodda thunk it?

I just feel like rambling today. Just one of those days when i'd write pieces of garble that make no sense. Man it's so cold here.

anyways... it seems that everyone i know is into blogging these days... introducing, (cue the lame drumroll) my friend, mr kungfu zaki, self-professed president of the loser club, who has a blog. Right this way fellas (he doesn't update much, but enjoy his entries... muahahahahaha!!!):

so enjoy it while i go and beat the crap out of this f**king A/C. hehehehehahahahaha!!! (is this evil enough?)

ADD is so overrated

i read the posts i made a few aeons ago... ADD??!!

gosh man, quit your petty whining and get on with life already!!

oh yeah, forgot to go to office today. Well that sucks. blame ADD. yeah mannn!!

and oh yeah (part 2), so much for ADDers being loyal to their partners... bluergh...

cobwebs on my blog

shit... talk about leaving this blog for so long.

I didn't even know belongs to google now. talk about leaving cobwebs out on my blog. cobwebs on a weblog. damm the irony. misspell intended.