Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Perception: Weapon of Mass Deception

Aaaaa.... perception. The weapon you use to sell your products, to convince your dad to give you the keys to his BMW, to move nations into supporting your conquest for oil, and to influence even single persons - especially those holding positions of great importance to you.

For most of us, we barely even notice this weapon being used on us... after all, with our busy life and all, who would? a good friend of ours bad-mouthing our other colleague (or worse, subordinate), a father telling their child how bad the people outside can be, a president of a country telling us there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Sometimes we barely notice the subtle underlying motive behind their oft-most sincere talk. It seems, as it is usually perceived, to be a heart to heart talk... sincere heads-up, sincere warning, sincere information.

In the case of the father protecting his child, i guess this is putting it to good use. But when there is enmity between colleagues, when there is greed, then the use of this weapon is very dangerous - and effective - indeed. like the shotgun: you can use it to kill ducks for dinner, and you can use it to blow a man to pieces. how you use it, well that's entirely your choice.

Perception. Can split asunder couples, families, a whole race, an entire nation.

Look around you. Think. maybe you'll find yourself being deceived. Maybe by your country's leadership. maybe by your friends. maybe by your family. and maybe, in fact most probably, by yourself - believing the things you know aren't true in life.

An antidote, i can propose: relax, and listen to the two sides of the story before jumping to conclusions. there are always two sides to a story. never one. always two. or more. and we are never matured enough to make decisions or opinions of people or situations. try to keep that in mind will you all?

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